Narcissism in Relationships
Narcissism in relationships and friendships is as old as the time when people started interacting with one another. However, the topic of narcissism only started to be talked about not very long ago in the past in both romantic and friendly relationships, which is now widely aknoweledged as one of many deciding factors for healthy relationships.
It is also a tricky subject as, to an extent we all have narcissistic tendencies, in the sense that we all are guilty of wanting to feel good and putting ourselves first, or projecting ourselves favorably, even if falsely so, in the eyes of others. So, to what extent is this natural human trait acceptable and without negative effect to our relationship with our loved ones, and how do we know that our inner desire for approval from others, even if temporary, and our inflated feeling of self-importance is destroying our relationships? Let us find out.

Narcissism is a personality feature defined by an exaggerated feeling of self-importance, a great need for approval and attention, and a lack of empathy for others, as I described in my previous post.
Do you know someone with a grandiose perspective of themselves, believing they are superior to you, or others around you, therefore deserving of special treatement? That could be a narcissistic red flag! These people tend to go about with a strong sense of entittlement – too obvious to be ignored! – and think before anything else, their wants and needs should come first.
However, it is important to remember that not all narcissists are the same. There are various levels to it – like every other condition – and not everyone who exhibits narcissistic characteristics is a “narcissist” in the clinical sense.
It is a known fact that people live in relationships with narcissists of different levels, but the more severe these traits are the more difficult things always tend to be. When such behaviors or traits become too much to bear or too obvious to be ignored, it is time to re-evaluate such relationships. Have you noticed such traits in yourself?

How do I determine if my own narcissism is preventing me from having a fulfilling relationship? Here are some red flags to look out for.
- You’re constantly looking to other people for approval and attention.
- You struggle to understand people’s perspectives and put yourself in their situations.
- You find it difficult to acknowledge and take advice or criticism.
- You find it difficult to compromise and consider others’ viewpoints.
- You find it difficult to accept blame or extend an apology for your conduct.
If you recognize some of these warning signs in yourself, it may be time to examine your own conduct. Although narcissistic behavioral patterns can be difficult to break, it is possible to change them with conscious self-awareness and effort.

I now realise I have been sabotaging my relationships through my own narcissism, what can I do to improve myself and my relationships with my loved ones?
- Develop empathy. Put yourself in the other person’s position and attempt to understand things from their point of view.
- Use active listening techniques. Listen intently when someone is speaking to you and make an effort to comprehend their perspective.
- Develop humility. Recognize that you’re not always right and that other people have insightful and valuable perspectives to share.
- Exert thankfulness. Be appreciative of the things that the people in your life do for you.
- Develop receptivity. Allow individuals to express their own feelings and thoughts while also sharing your own.
Although admitting when we are being narcissistic is not always simple, it is a necessary first step in dealing with the problem.
Relationships are about giving and receiving, and when we prioritize taking above giving, it can be easy for others to feel resentful of us as well. We can all become better lovers and friends with a little self-awareness and openness to change.

It’s also critical to keep in mind how difficult it might be to live with a narcissistic friend or partner.
Narcissists have a knack of making others feel guilty or accountable for their own actions, and they may be charming and convincing. Set boundaries and prioritize your needs if you’re in a relationship with a narcissist.
Here are some ways to deal with a narcissistic partner or friend:
- Do not take their actions personally. Narcissists can be extremely cruel and hurtful, but it’s not about you. It’s about their need for approval and attention.
- Do not try to change them. No matter how much you want them to, narcissists will not change. It is critical to accept them for who they are.
- Do not let them have control over you. Narcissists frequently use manipulation and guilt-tripping to exert control over their partners and friends. It is critical to establish and adhere to boundaries.
- Do not be afraid to leave. If the relationship is causing you more harm than good, it is important that you take care of yourself and leave the situation.
It is essential to look for help from friends, family, or experts. It can be immensely exhausting to deal with a narcissistic friend or partner, so it is important to have a solid support network in place.

Whether it comes from our own narcissism or coping with a narcissistic partner or friend, narcissism can be harmful to our relationships.
We can learn to control our own narcissism and create more beneficial connections with other people by being aware of the warning signs, setting clear limits, and getting support.
It is important to keep in mind that while we cannot just change other people, we can make changes to better our relationships and ourselves.
In essence, narcissism is a tricky topic to navigate. Everybody has a certain amount of narcissism, but when it overflows, it becomes harmful to our interpersonal connections.
We can learn to control our narcissism and create more wholesome connections with others by being aware of the red flags and exercising empathy, humility, gratitude, and vulnerability.

I want to extend a heartfelt thank you for taking the time to read this blog post. I hope it was informative, insightful, and most importantly, useful to you. Mental health is an important topic that affects us all, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to share my thoughts with you.
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